I'm sorry
An Ode to Quest 64: The Best "Worst JRPG Ever"
That... actually makes an odd kind of sense.
I hear he's a GREAT fisherman. . .
Here's Your Award
Games with really good real time combat
[Suikoden I & II HD Remaster: Gate Rune and Dunan Unification Wars] Review Megathread.
Ultimate JRPG Party: The Prinnies are the Team Undead, dood! Team Ex-Villain joins the roster, and today we vote for Team Speedster, plus the final bonus round!
JRPG where the main story is more difficult than the optional side-quests?
Why is purple always the color of evil?
Slight overreaction or reasonable crashout?
The most historically accurate games
"American Style" RPGs/Stories
Ultimate JRPG Party: Yuri does dirty deeds, dirt cheap, as Team Killer, plus Team Beefcake is added to the roster. Vote today for Team Undead, plus another bonus role!
The arms probably can't help with grooming, for sure
I am a bit confused by the Seiken Densetsu timeline
Hyena Tabaxi?
Dear Homer: my margin is the shape of your face
How the concept of multiple languages works in an RPG
Ultimate JRPG Party: Red becomes the very best for Team Kid, and Team Noble is added to the board! Vote today for Team Killer, plus a bonus role!
Looking for a stealthy fps. A game where I can choose to run and gun the whole time, or quietly work my way through enemies with a pistol and a silencer. Skill tree's/upgrades/open world are cool but not a must. Thanks in advance!
[No Spoilers] Arin Hanson
Suikoden Star Leap announced for mobile.
What are some good console games whose titles start with the letter Q? I already know to check Quest 64, so besides that one.