7 week 1 day ultrasound
Sick at 6w+4d
Our medical system sucks
First Trimester sleep struggle
5 weeks+4 days and feeling…..
How do you go 8 weeks without seeing a doctor and stay sane?
Never knew how serious Mono could be
I can’t do it
RBT Supervision Documentation Standards?
Client SIB worsens when safety equipment is in view
So I live in Florida and a lot of tornadoes in my town been hitting I live on second floor if anything happens where should I take cover at ?
Evacuation zones in Fleming Island
Wondering if this is a common one or if my brain is extra creative 🤣
Is Respondant Behavior Evoked?
for people with compulsive counting, what’s your obsession number? Mine goes like 3 3 3 2
How is Jacksonville?
Jacksonville, FL effects
Passed on my first try :)
Muted this is unwatchable.
Antecedent Intervention examples in tv shows or movies?
How to bring up salary discrepancy
Mono related issues?
Did someone develop GERD/ bile reflux while being sick?
Field Supervision contract and hours