After countless relapses
Today marks three weeks with no alcohol!
Rock bottom
Can I get a hell yeah?
Sad that I am still drinking at 42
I did it! Attended a gala event sober 💪
300 Days Sober
Okay I wasn't going to post this, but I've seen the tradition, so here goes: Today is Day 69!
500 Days!
Anyone else trying to stop when most of their social life evolve around drinking?
day 19
Can't do this anymore
How do I feel better
Is it possible to mostly quit?
Do you ever get scared that a NA drink has alcohol in it?
how did you learn to relax or sleep without alcohol?
Why can't people with dementia go to some place happy?
People who live alone
Best thing you could afford when stopped drinking?
What's your go to when you need to unwind?
Went to a brewery today
Made it through my first vacation without alcohol
What happens after?
I haven’t read Stephen King in years, but I feel like every time I look up, he has a new book on the bestseller list. Is his new stuff actually worth it, or is he just a churn machine these days?