Friend says that my hygiene routine is too much and that I should tell my therapist
Anyone else on a first name basis with their child?
Doodle while my baby naps
What is the worst/weirdest/most inconvenient place you’ve ever breastfed your lo?
How often do you let your baby try feed themselves with their fingers? Is it important?
1 year old is still a boob fiend
Women who smoke
Did anyone regret having a second child in difficult marriage in your late 30s
When did you start menstruating again?
Baby is sick and doesn’t want to walk
Breastfeeding has been the worst experience
“When you think she doesn’t notice when you’re gone… You’re her world.”
Error when logging in
Homophones can be confusing especially to kids
Advice on tongue and lip tie release
Has anyone gotten their period early while exclusively breastfeeding?
3 month crisis
8 month old throwing tantrums
My husbands a little zooted
This is kind of embarrassing
Baby won’t cooperate!
Mid-American Carpenters Union
I decided to draw the picture that ended my life as I know it
Sir, shut up