Do people end up saving money by joining a fraternity?
I feel kinda sad and depleted if I sober up. Is that normal?
How did rushing a frat as a socially awkward and boring person impact you?
When was the last time Lebron played in Utah?
Should I transfer colleges if I joined the wrong fraternity and made a bad first impression while pledging and still got initiated not many of them are really my friends
League Officer Being a Baby
New PB
Sigma Phi Epsilon given 5-year suspension at Davidson
Should i rush again
Super tempted to buy a vape
Other fraternity moving into old house
Let’s go Kyle!!!
Do you go on this sub or Reddit in general at the bar?
For the pledges/new-members
I don't do well with girls
Is learning to DJ hard?
Wish I rushed more frats
Still think about vaping all the time
Why are they so confusing to talk to?
Frat doesn't party, but I want to party more
Getting piercings as a man
How do I learn jazz? Should I learn jazz?
[List] What bands have you written off but realized they're actually really talented?
Do I need a special recommend to go to endowments and/or sealings?
Not enjoying bass much anymore