What’s that one song…
Which generation accepted adulthood the easiest?
How can a towing company charge $1100.00 for one day of impound fees?
So, i walked up to my locked front door with my keys in hand, proceeded to hit the unlock button on my car fob to unlock the house?
AITA for attending my sister's birth and meeting baby before my parents
Anyone know of a good hearing aid assistance program?
Lying to,and stealing passes from my school as teenager
Casting the season 1 women if there was a film
What should I work on with my child before elementary school
Please help me out
So, he’s implementing “Making China Great Again,” not America! His supporters are the dumbest people on this planet.
Did you DIY some ice cream cones?
“You’re not pretty enough to be that mean?
Thought I’d would’ve done better , got 4 total
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “Prince”?
What foods/drinks do you recall from many years ago and seldom or never see now?
Choose your fighter…
What was your starting hourly pay?
Erika claiming that $1 million isn't much money is ironic.
Did you see JFKs murder IRL?
Did people really burn down their houses falling asleep while smoking a cigarette?
Niles had some hit and miss takes, but he carried this Tell-All by himself. I've started to doubt that the host, Shaun, is just reading her scripted questions and doesn't actually watch the show
What is a favourite food of yours that is exclusive to you as an American or to your state?
What are your favourite profanity alternatives?