Before I die, I should experience ______
My bf broke up with me over ______
What in the heck is wrong with y'all?
Mr Krabs is a _____!
squidward as mona lisa for an art project:) done in Krita
"the smell is gone" watercolor and gouache 18"x24"
What’s a type of pain people underestimate until they experience it for themselves?
RSD is ruining my life.
What is one food you can't eat slow?
If you would show the first photo in your gallery, what would we see?
What is your favorite memory?
Who are the most unassuming psychopaths in society?
What is the weird talent you have ?
Americans on the left, what's a nice thing you can say about Americans on the right?
how would you deal with a coworker who loves ordering around despite them being in the same position as you?
[serious] Reddit, Whats your love story?
My sister had seen enough _____.
are they still blocking TikTok from usa !?
Does anyone else find they're too rigid?
what's the cutest thing your pet does/has done?
Feeling sad and depressed. What inspired you to overcome depression?
How does it feel to not shower for a week?
What makes you happy?
What is a sentence that is funny and sad at the same time?
Your username becomes a religion. What happens now?