Trading these pets!
Trading four sungliders, 1 full grown, for 5 ride potions or good offer.
Trading 6 sungliders one fullgrown
Paying For Pets In Adopt Me! Cash
after a week or two of struggling to find the remaining sugar axolotls 😭
Why is it so hard to get a sweetheart rat?
Trading moon eggs for ride potions, NYP
Trading 4 sungliders
Trading. Looking for one velociraptor, ride pots and moon eggs.
Should I try to slowly work up to getting neon owl?
Pets I def have!
The best decision I made in this game was giving away 80% of my pets away for free
Trading moon eggs for preppy/cute petwear
QIUCK DO I DO THIS? I'm nervous because I already have four parrots but those are my only neon turtles!
Is this a good trade? Why are people going crazy for the love rats?
Trading this for GOOD downgrades or 126 ride potions!
Since the event is ending, how many have you guys gotten of the pets + items?
Was there even remotely a reason for this
who on earth thought it was good idea to make literal inanimate objects pets?
I didn’t know snakes couldn’t wear boots, makes sense I guess. Overpaid for the galaxy boots for my snake just to realize snakes can’t wear boots. Oops.
why? WHYYYYY?????
don’t really know values that well but i got one of my dream pets ❤️
Someone explain to me these values …
Was this a fair trade for us both?
Moon egg pet giveaway 🎉🌙