Seeking advice - Having difficulty with my orthodontist
How do I get my partner to stop waking me up
Friendship ended because of friend’s vegan wife
Why don't Value Villages have dressing rooms anymore
Are biological parents notified in cases of adult adoption too?
If you are seating on the blue seat on the TTC and can stand
Is every professor at York like this?
Poly lesbians in Toronto?
What are your personal classic pieces?
Looking for a Max Factor Masterpiece Nude Eyeshadow dupe
I’m so done with Pinterest and the content violations
Vegan pizza - update
Should you immediately list your clothes for sale upon purchasing them?
Vegan pizza
My neighbor [M 40s] connected to my [M32] wifi network and saw porn on a network share, now he thinks I'm a child molester
If you don’t already have one, consider getting a shower head water filter. They’re relatively cheap and make a real difference. I just replaced mine after 6 months.
Am I the only person in the world with ADHD who DOESN'T find the Pomodoro technique helpful?
Canadas governor met with President Trump
Is there some way to put stronger laws around how restaurants safely package their food for food delivery?
What can I put on my cat's skin to make her stop licking so much?
Prices make no sense
What’s the fastest you’ve ever seen a new coworker get fired?
I'm a vegan and I cannot stand other vegans
What is the best thing that’s happened for you after ending a relationship with a primary/nesting partner?
Looking for resources for essay about the weaponization of mental health against Black and Indigenous communities in Ontario