What does this smoke mean when revving?
Confession question
Honestly, Trump isn't that bad.
Thoughts on Daisy 2.0?
As a teenage boy, where do you stand politically?
G920 connects to GHUB but doesnt register movement
[osu!Std] Eye Of Rah | Multiaccount Blatant
How cooked am I
What you feel about Donald Trump.
2011 CBR 600cc, any suggestions on how the engine sounds? Good? Bad? Want to purchase this one.
What are all of Takumi’s shoes.
Takumi’s Nike Dunks
would you date someone with opposing political views than you?
Used vs new pricing?
Whats ur kiss count?
Guy to guy, is it normal to not beat?
Adamqs was the most voted comment under the last post! | One osu! player (current username) for each letter of the alphabet. most upvoted comment wins. Day 2: B
Nah wtf is wrong with some of you
Debating hard on a used Grom
what do we think of this for a first car? any good?
good deal? or should i pass it up?
Hey guys I stopped playing osu like 5 years ago and decided to get back into the game
Expensive mistake
[osu!std] Javier Antonio | Is a pedophile