Women working
Girl I like has questionable boundaries with men
I’m pretty sure this is the place to ask this but what is the role of Satan and Judaism?
Dating only one guy at a time
Pediatrician Really Insistent On Giving Baby Shellfish
Maybe an odd question, but did any of you notice changes in/with your partner when they started to hang out more with their newly single friend?
Where Do I Start?
Anyone else have an influencer spouse?
Emunah / Bitachon
Is this a Hate Crime?
Miriam’s Today
Older Jews - does it get any better?
Islam existed before 1500 years ago..right or wrong?
What does God "rested" after creation mean?
Where's the line between vulnerability and emotional dumping?
Where can I find the men?
AITAH for breaking up with my boyfriend because he said Elon Musk doing the Nazi salute wasn’t a big deal?
Gyno Rec — Trauma Informed?
Non-Orthodox Jew Doing Research About Orthodox Jews Dabbling in Secularism
Mouth breathing
Overwhelmed by conflicting advice and approaches
What’s the verdict on allowances?
Pelvic Floor Therapy
Your Sustainable Fashion Rules, Philosophies, and Practices