My mind
I think the AI is a guru player
I ranked every ADC based on my Soloq experience
Should nilah get a rework?
When bro starts becoming a better duelist than you:
Evelynn situation
French Duelists be like:
The better purple assassin
Durability update was a mistake
Pretty common
Why are viktor players so... special?
Wild rift lane tier list
I wonder if she also has zhu yuan's cake
The ideal Zeri Build
"The support class is not broken" average bans:
BT vs Shieldbow
Things that should change outside of gameplay
He's a xin xiao and I'm a kayle, what are you expecting?
Is Radar Useless?
It's just impossible for soloq
Why is overextending still a massive problem?
I wish Yugioh had Player Titles like that
Do not do objectives against a pantheon jg