Saul says Walt couldn’t have done it without him but NO ONE could have done anything without the Vet
I don’t know what to put here
It always happens to the best games
Anyone found the BCS mains to be infinitely more relatable than BrBa mains?
Starbucks gone wrong
Trying to be more like Lalo IRL - How am I doing?
Given how sticky Spider-Man's webs are, that pizza slice must have been really gross and justifiably unpaid for
Yassified Columbo
Anyone else wish we got to see more of Saulie in his mansion?
Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be a winner?! What a sick joke!
Ah yes, Jimmys home town
Which BB/BCS villain would survive longest in BB/BCS?
My predictions to the cast of the new South Korean Breaking Bad spin-off
Vravo Bince
Something some people miss about 608 "Point and Shoot."
My friend said he thinks this old guy on a bottle of tea looks like “Jesse Pinkham”
Does breaking apart a burner phone actually serve any purpose or is that for dramatic effect ?
iago doth do a little trolling
My dog is not a Better Call Saul fan. What do I do?
It is so cute 😍 Kim and Jimmy forever❤️
In terms of popularity, how famous was saul goodman?
IAMA Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan, ask me anything in the comment and I'll answer with a BB/BCS gif
BB and BCS characters based on how dangerous and scary they are