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What’s the band?
Bluetooth mouse stutter
r/Toolband Holiday Giveaway! Merch signed by Alex Grey. Comment to enter. Round 2.
r/ToolBand Holiday giveaways. 30th Anniversary Deluxe CD edition of Undertow. Comment to enter.
Sunt mereu obosit
Every day since I bought it. But I'm not stressed.
My First IEM under 100$. Advice !!
Ce parere aveti ? Romania este o tara saraca ?
Thought I'd flex a little
Mi-am pus copii să-și aleagă viitorul financiar :)
I listen to a lot of Haken- help me branch out
Do your headphones REALLY perform much better with more expensive DAC/AMP?
Best Headphone You Have Tried or Own?
Looking for over-ear, closed back headphones under 200$
Lay's VS Chio.
"You would understand if you had to live next to them, their culture promotes stealing"
The Pixel Shop is closing its doors for the public, existing members will still have access
Heil Spez, for the 🐝 🐝an is 🐝ack
10% s-ar putea sa fie inceputul
EXCLUSIV Parlamentarii liberali au propus ca magistraților să li se deconteze ratele bancare pentru locuințe cumpărate cu credit. Senatul a votat favorabil, urmează votul deputaților
E o gluma? Au marit taxele la IT-isti ca sa isi acopere creditele pentru case
Should I just forget about it?