Jared browning ( gooch )
The sunset
AIO for my feelings about how my fiancé talked to me regarding financial aid
Im dying at 24
How many of you will never camp up here because you have ethics
Update! My sister cheated on her Fiance and then left her kids all because she wanted a break and I’m not supposed to say anything to her.
is it normal for a dad to smack his 15 y/o daughters butt on her birthday?
Is $317 too much for a cable bill?
Homeless with toddler
Should I break up with my bf
My Boyfriend Laughed at a Racist Joke About Me—Now I’m Not Sure What to Do
Is this normal way of thinking about sex F29 and M28
7 year old drawing
My 10 year old just won't go to school
He makes me prove everything
What to do when caretaker is gone?
Why do teen boys obsess over trump?
My husband (M23) had the thought to tell me (F21) to go kill myself. What is my next move on this situation?
My 7 year old wanted to show his FNAF art
AIO/ My mom’s crazy search about me
Am I Overreacting?
Am I crazy?!
Elon musk backs AFD
Only two genders in the US
Banned Book List