who is this guy? (wrong answers only)
Why is Dave so disappointed?
What in the world is this .
Was looking at Megadeth on Wikipedia when I noticed someone made a brainrot edit on it.
Roses are red, let chaos commence
What's your favorite song from VDOP
This true?
Free memes to steal
Describe this man in one word
Make the comment section look like Dave's search history. I'll go first:"which day do we fight?"
Roses are red, I have some free time
Rust In Peace
What does my art taste like?
Parallels much?
Man test: is this cool?
What does my art smell like?
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see this
Holy Wars
Lust in peace
I don’t know what to title this
Not my original design, but had lots of fun painting this one.
Rockstar explains this
I will award my remaining free awards to the 20 least interesting comments
Bands with the worst fanbase?