Finally, a use for this pack of stickers I got at Christmas!
what storyline/world/household is most FUN to play?
TFW your sim has just given birth and she’s already pregnant again
What are your selfcare routines with baby?
Behold - the two headed horse!
Help me get out of this rut!
My first three pages
Do you have tips for comforting a sick baby with fever?
New seasonal dress
Sims have the most ridiculous reactions to fire
My first 2 weeks of coloring with markers!
Shitty or Nah?
Giant soap bubble
I'm looking forward to the Cassanova Cave kit release in a few days so I can add on to my Don's wardrobe
Why do you play video games?
Sim’s meme
Letting baby cry herself to sleep for hour going to make her emotionally damaged?