I took one of my biggest passion (yugioh) and turned GG character into cards!
De que tema sabes demasiado y podeas estar hablando durante horas sin parar?
Won against Soulburber @ lvl. 50 and that's the reward I got. Is this a joke?
¿Cuál es el plato barato que mas les gusta cocinar?
Data Xemnas phase 2 help please
Aqua is definitely the second strongest Hero in the series, right?
Did you guys know that Anji physically cannot lose if that one part of Rock Parade is playing?
Estarías a favor de ilegalizar el aborto ?
A jugar esta belleza de remake hasta que salga GTA VI.
Nunca se olviden que Milei fue a visitar a la secta de judíos ortodoxos a los que arrestaron en un túneles excavados ilegalmente en New York conectados con una sinagoga. Encontraron hasta carritos de bebés adentro. Que justamente el trate de degenerados y pedófilos a cualquier sector es irónico.
Sell me on your main
Why is this guy level 5?
¿Qué uso le estás dando a las Inteligencias Artificiales?
PSA: BBS EXP Walker Exploit PS5
What’s your metaphor between the relationship of heartless and nobodies
Seeing as how KC Cup is just around the corner, what is your ideal banlist for after the chaos settles (assuming Konami doesn't nerf any skills)
If anxiety was a Strive match
I can die happy finally getting offical Bedman? merch.
Estuve intentando usar un deck de tipo metálico en Pokémon TCG Pocket, y no pude ganar ni una sola partida
Terra, Aqua & Ventus on the PSP (by @haru_sorara)
I have never played Guilty Gear and tried making a tier list where I judged the characters solely on how good I think they would be. I am curious to hear how WRONG was I?
Si pudieran probar cualquier alimento o consumible de algun videojuego ¿qué seria lo primero que consumirian?
Act like Sonic AV2 just came out.
Una consola portátil vale la pena hoy en día?
I'm replaying BBS, and honestly, i fell in love with the relationship, between Terra & Cinderella.