What do my favs say ab me and my age
What is your favorite quote from Papa himself?
What’s the video where Hunter has a bit where he repeatedly opens his mouth like a dying fish?
What band shirt?
I lost my wife to cancer earlier this year. We always loved putting together couples’ costumes for Halloween, so this felt like an appropriate costume for this year. We’ll carry on.
What Music fits this picture?
Who is this? wrong answers only
Care to give me a name?
What’s everyone listening to today?
What band got you into metal
Old age
Albums I listened to for the first time in 2024. Ask me anything
One Word Is All It Takes
What song got you into Tool?
opinions on brat
What is the Worst TOOL song?
How can I expand my Tyler interests
omg guys?
American Idiot album re-entered in Billboard 200 chart!
What was the first slipknot song you listened to
What the hell did Tyler do to them💀