German Campaign Billboard in Vietnamese (Lichtenberg, Berlin)
Microsoft and OpenAI Probing If DeepSeek-Linked Group Improperly Obtained OpenAI Data
CMV: Billionaires shouldn’t exist
translation "Surprise, motherf*****"
Deutsche Autobahnkultur ist toxisch und lebensgefährlich
Which political party has plans to solve the Berlin housing crisis? What's their plan?
Streit um Straßenumbenennung in Berlin: Ein Antisemit, der Bürgerwille und die CDU
La is a wasted opportunity
Ist dieser Zugriff hier angemessen @polizeiexperten?
Berlin is removing 30km/h zones in front of schools, daycare centers and retirement homes
Boeing workers going on strike after 96% vote for walkout
Stuck in Ninh Binh, what can I do ?
Typhon coming, any advice ?
Is being a hermit Illegal in Germany?
Was anyone at BER today and witnessed the chaos? Did it ruin anyone's vacation?
Man gets stabbed over a parking spot and dies
What is your opinion of Ursula von der Leyen?
Small drones will soon lose combat advantage, French Army chief says
Würde uns ein Tempolimit Millionen Euro sparen ?
Berliners on housing
Wohnungsnot in Berlin in einem Bild zusammengefasst:
Welche Partei werdet ihr am 9.6 Wählen?
Witnessed a pedestrian almost get hit by a car this morning.
American politics to a German
The paradox of tolerance is the perfect excuse to become extremist in your beliefs.