The most common words spoken in comms by LR during official games (including the draft).
Our inta currently has the 14th highest damage/kill and the 3rd highest average deaths out of all 54 players in the NLC.
Rate my Setup ???
Alene og syg hjemme
Spent some time at lower keys gearing an alt. Some observations.
15 Second time loss on death feels excessively punishing.
Vanilla x2 Servers
Stumbled across this gem late last night.
Vidste I at /r/Norge har officielle politikonti fra Norsk politis nationale cybercrime enhed?
i love akshan 100% homo
This week's PTR build number is pretty nice.
Hello, what is this instrument called
Which EU server to pick in SOM as Horde?
8gb ram will be enough for rust? ( official servers )
river shen is the best way to climb
LPT: When looking at potential houses, in the basement look at the door hinges. If the bottom one is different or newer, the basement may have a history of flooding that even the realtor may not know about.
Scarlet 2i2 cousing weird crackling/popping sound while using discord?
Crackling sound from mic ONLY on discord.
Additional Survivability Gadgets in high m+ (like Cardboard Assassin)
Finally got that +10 done bois
Anyone else having issues logging in tonight? (EU Twisting Nether)
Polonaise in orgrimmar to say goodbye to bfa (Blackhand/EU)
Million concurrent players, again 💪
Can't enter game?? anyone else
Servers down?