My ex gf had rebound sex after 3 days- to a week
Game not saving
Best way to play IOS?
Monthly: Less than 7 weeks? Comment here instead of making a new post.
Starting the carnivore diet
Sit one
Start two
Official: [Wednesday Weekly Trade Value] - Wed Evening, 09/14/2022
Please rate my team in a 10 man super flex
Any success stories of people getting back together?
To those who still love each other but had to break up, what was the reason?
What did someone tell you that permanently changed the way you view life?
Men who have lost an awesome girl for one reason or another, why and what happened?
If your ex has quickly moved on after or during the relationship please comment below. If you want to leave details feel free to, I just don't want to be alone in this.
Our exes weren’t that great 😂. What’s something your ex did that you HATED. funny responses preferred.