Concentrate your time and effort where it actually matters, if you aren't just virtue signaling for karma points online.
What cartoon has the most emotionally hard hitting message?
The main character has to dance to stop a disaster
And just like that, people no longer care. For the next forseeable 4 years.
America is a fallen nation
EVERYTHING is about to get more expensive
Peaceful protests/grassroots
Mayor of Buffalo: Here’s How to Get My Vote….PLOW
What do you guys think of this?
On a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being minimum and 5 bring maximum, how much do you trust and approve of the following politicians (for each of them)?
From nobody to nightmare.
Favorite character who’s a horrible person but you can’t help but love them
Which upcoming state election would make a good mod?
Serious crossovers that get hilarious, whether intentionally or not.
What is your escapism?
The UN broke
Trump administration to cancel student visas of pro-Palestinian protesters
Male characters who are taking their daily servings of "respect women" juice.
Just got this commercial while browsing reddit. Thought my brain was glitching for a second.
Your last saved picture has made Maria angry.
Holy Shit You Guys Are Hot
HOI4 Only Good Part Of Democracy
George W Bush and Putin Dancing in 2008
Random guys eating burgers
Is orgasm the best feeling a human can get, or doing drugs beat it?