Valtrex for reactivation? Helpful? Safe?
Monolaurin or NAC for reactivated EBV? Any luck? Benefits?
Any advice reactivated ebv
Uncommon to have an EBV reactivation (confirmed) go on for a year plus? Absolutely miserable this past year and currently :/ Please Help…
Reactivated ebv
Does this look like it could have been a tick bite? From 2 years ago (October 2023) Scar current
Reactivated EBV for a year and not sure if I have ME/CFS? Help! (PEM since day 1 reactivation and current)
Will low dose (2.5 mg) Prednisone make EBV reactivate more while reactivated?
Joint pain, fatigue, pain flare ups after certain foods/sugar
Best way to remove tar with minimizing scratching/marring? Plus lightly polishing once a year safe?
Flare ups at night?
Mold toxicity preventing me from healing my reactivated EBV?
Dizziness with Vagus Nerve eye gaze exercise… normal?
Car runs worse on OEM paper filter vs Grimmspeed drycon filter?
Vagus nerve SCM exercise makes me feel lightheaded and dizzy
Reactivation? Absolute horrible symptoms on/off for 8 months now and no relief.
Reactivation for months with fever
Mold causing/making symptoms worse?
Vitamin ADK supplement making me feel worse?
in my 6th month of reactivation and looking forward for hope
2020 WRX Drivers seat has been creaking/cracking since I got it (24k miles)
Possible Long Covid? All other tests are negative… lost and confused.
Night flares of Joint pain, fatigue, malaise, headache, hot flashes, sore throat, etc
Anyone else draw? Drop ‘em!Thought I’d share my drawing of my Rex! Not the best but had fun 💪
Can’t tell if I have Long Covid or Reactivated EBV for a year now…