🏆 Weekly Free Sunday Tournament Box #20 - Starting at 4 PM Eastern! 🏆 - Info in comments
What game comes to mind?
What deck do YOU play?
Updated and ready to go
What are your "rule of thumbs" when facing against certain leaders/colors?
What movies do you consider to be perfect 10/10
Why doesn‘t this see play in OP10 law or Smoker?
Starting the new year right, with a Foxy win
Made a custom leader
Who has the best Battle Iq, rank them
Do any of you actually believe these two aren’t equal? No agenda and no slander bias.
Norwegian gas station drinks, what are you getting?
I've made some revisions to the Tintin cards. Now with 100% more Haddock!
Help with a budget Doffy deck
Can anyone help identify these cards
Opponent blocked when I had Roger, do you let them take it back?
Nothing like a good smell..
Opened OP09 case, here are my hits
Rayleigh in shanks
Am i crazy or they are just copying OP tcg cardlayout lmao. They already have a half-dead card game. Why do it again?
Where is the megathread? My post got taken down, and idk where to repost it
Holy shit it’s her!
Wanted to build a Lola Tarot deck and...
So is it only games from emulator games.net