Looking for commanders that can overperform the low expectations of the table.
We need more non-basic land hate and to normalize use it
Most fun +1/+1 counter Commander?
Was my deck too strong for casual commander night?
Are conditional tutors frowned on in casual commander?
At the risk of absolutely destroying my wallet, can anyone share similar figures with the futuristic fantasy designs? Something similar to this?
Do you ever build a sweet deck…
So when do we get Portal: Springfield?
WOTC in 2026: "Our consulting team has informed us that allowing players to have 'Devotion to White' is racist so we will be removing it. Players can still have devotion to the other colors."
What are the most powerful staples from each color?
Why do people hate mill?
Players refuse to play with me because of my rule 0
I’m starting to wonder if I enjoy EDH as much as I think I do?
Rakdos Charm + Torbran, Thane of Red Fell
Love this art
Ida Bjerkeskaug is a Norwegian painter that has made an art piece of US politics
How often are you throwing “EDH staples” into your decks?
How do I make commander fun again?
Looking for cards that say “this isn’t immediately threatening, but is going to a problem eventually if unanswered”
Best/funniest commander to clone?
What are the conditions for not including counterspells in multicolor decks with blue?
Most consistent commander
Deck is Power Level 8 Because of... Tutors?
Where do you draw the line between synergy and combo?