Who the fucking fuck designed AT Namielle
How common are hackers?
Am I ready for Fatty?
Jinx in the Wilds
It finally clicked
What is your guys favourite creature in mhw/iceborme
Greatsword Builds, Returning
Honest, you're the lucky or unlucky hunter?
Rum + Enery drink?
i LOVE this game, there is NOTHING wrong with it, and i certainly had NO quest item on me
TIL that there's a destructible door in Durquba that bypasses the ladders you build during a siege
Hot Take - DMPCs are fine and can be fun!
The titanium set that I ended up selling to a friend
Here's a clip of Grottox
Should I get this sword?
Their lords just wont ever end, i swear
Gun show finds 😅
Axe fighting in the Netherlands
Endgame problems at level 161? Do I suck?
Oh no
Which weapon-art do you think would be the most practical and useful in real life? Please, discuss.
Having Trouble Finding Groups
New to HEMA sticky thread.
Q/A Thread and helpful links 2022