Thoughts on a Lion as a Paladin Mount?
Triadic Knight 3.5 PC
Warband Names
Greetings Artists, I’m here seeking one of you fine folks to draw an original Character for an upcoming DnD Campaign!
Base Paladin vs Oath of Vengance
Greetings all, how would you build the most effective Cavalier based on Sir Dydimus from Labyrinth?
Friday Night Paint session Complete!
Just take a moment
Git’n Da New Boss Ready fa Da Fireland Brawlz
What is your favourite quote from warcraft universe?
Can I make a "Complete" drawing of your character? (0/3)
I wanna draw! Send ur OCs? ((:
Need someone to draw a character for annupcoming campaign!
Dr Jekyl Mr. hide Build?
What to do with two Battleforces ?
Da Fist of Gork is da Biggest an Da Baddest!
Help building Infernal Bloodline Sorcerer!
htf am i supposed to beat rafael