Galaxy s6 modded with s9 battery
Is my hair line receding? Unequal hair line 😞
So tired of this guy
super bald lol
What does my fridge say about me?
If you added 2 inches of height and wingspan to one player, who benefits the most?
Everyone who comments I’ll prompt ai to make your username into a picture
A budget laptop that doesn't have a shitty graphics card??
am i balding
Those in this sub who no longer use GalaxyS9, what phone did you evolve to ?
Don't buy the GeForce 3 marketing!! Nvidia is selling you FAKE TRIANGLES.
Did I do this right?
What cable do I need for this?
Extending life instead of throwing it away.
Suffer so bad I want it to end
This logo stands out a lot, can I dye it in gray/dark and how?
It's urgency can I swap the both hard drive with main windows and it work?! Identical laptops only old one got i3 8 while never one i5 8. Also putting 8gb + 4 GB work?!
Static laptop screen when moved
Chat am I cooked M22
Ohh, thank heavens! We all have been waiting for this
What CODM opinion will put you in this position?
My laptop keeps making a lawnmower noise when I turn it on or launch a game.
What laptop would you pick if you were on a budget?