I created an After Action Report of a particular interesting world of HOI4 TWR
I made a short video showcasing South Africa's fall from Fascism to Nazism and beyond!
Annihilation of caste
The Breach | 1918 French Convention Election Results
What are some Offbeat career paths that You've seen people take in India
Is Planck length the small point where if we throw out 'dart' of measurement, then the dart causes a black hole to form beyond which we can't measure any further?
In my entire life I had never seen the public library so empty and with an air of deathly silence surrounding it
You can enter the mall emptyhanded but you won't leave without acquiring several wasteful new things you don't really need
I couldn't help but feel a pang of regret as I dropped the defoliant on the lush valley of growth and prepared to turn the jet back to base
Mandela Effect Examples in India, especially Since 2000's
What was exactly really going on in "The Horror at Red Hook". Did the eccentric old man save the world from his god?
Khalistan protestor attempt to attack EAM S Jaishankar in London; tears Indian flag | Watch video
I cannot make this decision.
Why are people obsessed over Post-Taboritsky Russia (and its successors)?
Indo European enthusiasts take on a PIE altar
Rate my Yugoslav empire. Defying the Napoleonic world order to unite the South Slavs
Laziridis on Indo Anatolian population and migration into Anatolia
What are these?
Dream Explanation Compass
What are some things you want to see the most in Mafia The Old Country?
He is having fun avoiding parental responsibilities, but there is no child.
How did modern hinduism emerge?
sorry please remove (made by mistake. apologies)
The executive Game... I don't get it...
This guy is shooting Lincoln straight where the sun doesn't shine