It’s pretty cool that MultiVersus made MultiVersus Collision Detected comics Happen. Imagine if they had better management the things they would’ve done.
Save the multiverse
Season 5 discussion
With Multiversus ending we all need to thank this guy for constantly keeping us updated
In case you haven't noticed yet, this is going to happen to Reindog
Who are characters you hate fighting?
I'd love to see a MultiVersus stage that gives characters nicknames similar to what Smash Bros's Punch-Out does. Here're some Character epithets I can think of, Enjoy!
When Marvin whips out his Rocket
Steven best fits the Lantern ring of Life! Who do you think best represents Repressed Negative Emotions? (THE FIRST FIVE CHARACTERS NOW HAVE ART) (DC characters are not allowed).
The one announcer we all need
Agent Smith best fits the Lantern ring of Compassion! Who do you think best represents Death? (DC characters are not allowed).
Multiversus Seasons Tier list
Jerry best fits the Lantern ring of Greed! Who do you think best represents Compassion? (DC characters are not allowed).
Hopefully It's All Worth The Wait 🤞
Accidental Bomb Emote on Sale
Most Wanted Interactions
Love a good ol fashioned taunt to get bodied clip
Marvin best fits the Lantern ring of Rage! Who do you think best represents Hope? (DC characters are not allowed)
Players wanted
Stiu ca nu va place engleza dar aia e
Would y'all fw Will Smith being a playable character?
Very unfortunate
Banana Guard has won the eight entry, who's a Low Tier Low Skill Character?
Hai chaiorie, hai chibarie!
Lukașenko și-a declarat din nou victoria la alegeri. „Puteți felicita Republica Belarus, am ales un președinte”