i’m hopelessly attached to an older guy
As someone who normally isn’t very social is this normal to want?
Husband said if he was a woman we’d already have children
Husband restrained me
Stay Away from Negative people or people who keep judging your past mistakes and actions , even if they are family members
Is it possible to find love here on Reddit? I just started talking with this girl she is cute but I don't know if she is real or not?
What would do you think the millionaires think about us?
What if you die tomorrow? Would you be happy with all the things you did? Or there's still something you haven't done? You wish u could do?
I am always so scared to be in this world
You could probably learn a lot about most people if you only had access to their browsing history
too fat to be loved
I have no friends and it sucks
After three decades, I finally opened up to my father about how I felt about his anger.
If children were brought into the world by an act of pure reason alone, would the human race continue to exist? Would not a man rather have so much sympathy with the coming generation as to spare it the burden of existence?
Is it weird I’m eliminating single mothers at 32?
Disgusting Uber Drivers
Why you don't need to have Kids! - Life is Painful body gets sick - Uncertain things happen- And Big Corporations Own Our Time NowAdays- Nobody is free - All of Information is Theirs- Water is gonna become more expensive in the next Few Years- If You are here Enjoy but Think Deep about this
Stop bringing kids to this world! Life is gonna get more difficult in the next years, is better to stop having kids
Planning to end it before my 18th birthday on Feb 8, 2025
My Advice for everyone is not to have kids or at least just one, Because things are gonna get worst in the next years, prices won't go down and we are gonna be more enslaved,
I don’t feel like a man
I feel disappointed in my girlfriend and I don’t know what to do.
Just need a "im so proud of you"
I don’t know how to cope anymore
I was told by my wife that she wants a break