Did it smell face making a comeback
Trolls are better looking than this heifer
My dad will pick me up at 36 is gross
My RV was stolen Please contact the police department or me if you have any idea where it is
Catelynn's most recent post about Carly
She was being transphobic AGAIN
Ash’s top gifter
A message from August to Jenelle.
Who is this woman… because that’s NOT Ash! 😆
How many red flags can you count in Nathan's latest post starring his girlfriend?
my sim caught on fire via dryer lint, and immediately started smoking after being saved
Husband served me divorce papers, so I bought a new driver
She owes 2k and they’re driving a mercedes?
I saw a reel where two dudes made barbacoa. They covered an in-ground pot (with the meat in it) with sand and let it cook overnight over coals. What’s the point of the sand?
I worry that if Texas flips blue, Abbott will actually steal the election.
I hate it here
All of you who sold at $1.16 have the biggest fucking pussy on earth