What even is this 😭
Creep defending creep
Love the accusations for no reason. But at least they stuck by each other?
Love the baseless accusations, but at least they stick by each other lol
This actually made me mad
I’m thinking of doing a Wheel of r/teenagers users so comment and I will add your name
Incel defends incel?
Well, It's not wrong....
What is this bs 😭
Why are they this way
I have fans now, this is so funny
This actually got me mad
And yet another one
What is each type's level of imagination ? INFJ and i go for 2.
God forbid i want to be loved all the time and am needy
Anyone else gets overwhelmed with people?
Moment I asked that he disappeared lol
What 😭
no second
asked chatgpt to roast r/teenagers
Incel unblocks me, sends a message and gets mad I respond
Which cookies should I use? Im so confused
Why is it always the ones that can’t speak
I love the clothes options for a BATTLE game and other girls clothes in the game. All men have normal clothes ofc
15 and already obsessed with this stuff is just sad