What box/set should I buy as a new player trying to get lots of playable cards?
Why do you live in Dallas?
Any "Sniper" themed commanders?
Help me find a commander that matches my DnD character!
How do you guys play paper EDH with friends online?
In response to the mods not not using a lotr meme.
Which character is your main choice for each role?
{The Griffon's Saddlebag} Detective's Monocle | Wondrous item
Magic item ideas for my sad detective PC?
Adam's ult is fucking horrible
One buff/adjustment you’d make to your favorite Commander?
Commanders that have disappointed you or you have been unable to make work?
What, in your opinion, was/is the greatest Free to Play game?
How would you build the absolutely most fun to play against deck possible
Maro on designing for Vorthos in 2025 and relevant lessons from 2024
RTX 50's Series Prices Announced
The contrast is hilarious
{The Griffon's Saddlebag} Mantle of Shrunken Stature | Wondrous item
What Boros Commander do you enjoy the most?
As the Year Ends, Which Commander Deck Has Been Your Most Successful?
For those of you who are 30+, what do you do for fun?
Optimizing my Arcades deck
Optimize Arcades deck!
Your current party? And campaign?
Looking to optimize this Mabel deck as much as possible