Another war crime by the Russian military. And we need to seek peace with them?
Credit sau strangi la ciorap ?
Bigster full 32500E. Se merita? Ce ati lua daca ati avea banii astia?
Did i get scammed for this for $20?
Why does it sometimes feel worse when your pet die compared to a family member?
Voi mai beti Cola/Pepsi de cand s-au triplat preturile?
O simpla intrebare
Spera cineva ca nu mai urmeaza o ordonata TGV dupa trenuletul asta?
În fața legii toți egali 🫡
Goblin event just released! And... it's either bugged to hell or the most underwhelming thing ever.
Why is there less crime in Eastern Europe than Western Europe?
Coborâre suspensie
Could we get the ancestral drop rate buff now instead of waiting for season 7?
Stressed at work? You’re fired!
Viktor Orbán threatens to veto the EU budget if Hungary does not receive EU funds
Ipoteză: dacă era Ciolacu în finală cu CG nu se mai anulau alegerile
Ponta declara ca voteaza Kremlin
Russian defence spending rises to a record high - a third of the budget
Divide-and-conquer: SENS si REPER
There is no endgame to make "reaching paragon 300" entertaining
Giving away 5 early access keys
Scaun birou WFH
Sibiu, WTF?
11 inch or 13 inch?
Diaspora poate vota cu 2 zile inainte