Does anyone know why it says Break Up Text ?
I've painted so much in this game and have never really tried out all the categories, found this one and I'm in love.
What kind(s) of Simmer are you?
yes. yes. yes.
My biggest gripe with Sims 4 is you can make so much money but there's not much to aspire to buy!
Shoujo/Josei recs
What is your favourite absolutely useless piece of decor that you place at every single build?
The amount of open tabs on my brothers PC
Found the best tattoo for Don Lothario 🥰
Guys, I have bad news :(
I mean, sure?
the part they don't tell you about having a legacy family
Never used townies!
When you ask what to do with that weird empty hall space?… this is making me happy
Out of curiosity, who is buying the new DLC tomorrow? Who has pre-ordered?
I gave Amy Prescott a makeover
Are there any mods or settings i could try for these 2 things?? My biggest pet peeves in the sims...
Anyone else’s sims look like this?
When you need to cut some friends out of your life but your only friends are your husband and your triplets.
Do you guys ever visit a sim's house and see how ugly and sad the interior is and give it a makeover?
WW help w/simhub??
what is this exact mod and how can i find similar ones?