Imagination can change everything
What are the best theme parks in the USA for tourists?
Tim Curry’s great love that got away
Maybe maybe maybe
Did not expect this to happen.
Up up up we go my precious
Just got right hip joint replaced at 23
Moving Company recommendation
Real WWE
You keep using that word
What's a seemingly small decision you made that completely changed the course of your life?
What’s something you swore you’d never do… but ended up doing anyway?
my breakfast
Just a fact I turned in to a meme
Like a young Katie Hopkins and Ricky Gervais
MFW I tell the boys about a big booty babe who just disappeared
What’s the Most Slept-On Performance in the MCU?
What's a book you wish you could read again for the first time?
AITAH for refusing to give up my window seat on a long-haul flight?
Never bite.. what?