Second biggest religion in european countries
Myers Briggs is stupid etc but I’m pretty sure this sub is like 80% INFP
wellbutrin experiences?
Are there any other socially awkward females here who aren’t autistic/socially unaware?
The Great School Kids Strike of 1972
2025 res
Has it ever happened to you?
I like to imagine what NYC would look like if the British hadn’t kicked the Dutch out and filled in their canals and torn down most of their pretty buildings
Looking up in Florida
Do any girls actually want submissive guys?
Dasha Nekrasova: Post-politics, Woke and Trump 2.0 | Doomscroll
Boxy, economical European and Japanese cars from the late 1970s-mid 80s
Wikipedia is the internet’s crowning achievement
The US is the funniest country and it’s not even close
Young people thinking they’re old is really embarrassing
Imma tell my kids this is Hanson
I think about this video a lot
Nightmare blunt rotation
I know gaming is for losers blah blah. But are there any games that actually are passably rs-coded or art hoe approved or whatever
I really wish my passion was for STEM subjects instead of the humanities/social sciences
Why does the internet have such a boner for Norm McDonald?
anyone of you famous in real life
Are there still people who are too rich to say the word “pregnant?”
what's the worst classic book you ever read?
is posting here as a man intrusive?