Anyone interested in helping some of the few remaining patriots?
Trump’s Friday night massacre is blatantly illegal
Fed Up With Alcoholic Husbands, 2 Women Leave Home, Marry Each Other In UP
Can we give some credit to Ruth Marcus if the Washington Post for being the only journalist brave enough to call Trump's recent violation of Federal law a blatant crime
White House warns of ‘consequences’ for Republicans who won’t support Trump’s nominees
The inspectors generals Trump fired refuse to leave. Resistance!
If you haven’t already, please delete period tracking apps on your phone if you live in a red state
No you aren't stupid, you probably had good childhood
Am I stupid?
LSU Law prof removed for critical political comments
NYTimes claims the ‘Resistance’ Era is over. I think we still have a lot of fight left in us. 💪
Do as I say, Not as I do
To the jackass(es) that broke into my car during the blizzard. I got your cars on camera
Okay and now Musk has anally fucked Trump wtf is even happening in this timeline
Counter woke ideology. The comments on this post is scary.
What is happening…
New GOP bill would let Trump (but not Obama) run for a third term
What lesson have you learned about sneaux/snow this week?
Up in arms about NIH but not a peep about DEI. Academia is just 🫠
Mississippi lawmaker introduces 'Contraception Begins at Erection Act'
New psychiatrist is pulling me off of Wellbutrin and said I never should have been on it
More of this please
The Nashville school shooter was apparently a black white supremacist
Say international labrats, any technician positions available literally anywhere outside the U.S. or good leads on any in the U.S. private sector? Asking for a friend.
Powers out - no heat. What do I do? Irish channel.
3 year old is the pickiest eater I’ve ever seen. Making “squeezy fruits?”