This Was Funny
My brain is not braining
Best smile in anime?
Is it bad I'd rather see a character from one of the worst films of all time reprise his role than RDJ as Doom 💔
What would happen if okuyasu tested the hand to scratch his butt?
I Read a Lot of Comics, but Even I Don’t Get the Reference
[Hated Trope] Plot twists that WOULD have been really cool if they hadn't been spoiled in marketing
Peter? What's with the stalemate
Someone put a pizza on a milk. Is this a crime?
Good morning
What the fuck is he doing in Dick's comics?
Custom Bowser ngc
Keegan-Michael Key reacting to Jordan Peele’s Oscar Win, 2018.
Should I go bald?
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Gun to your head if you had to recite an entire anime OP’s lyrics perfectly with no mistakes which one would it be?
Did Kira straight up destroy someone's soul?
If class 1a all lost their quirks and fought, he’d win
I have literally never, not a single time in my entire 50+ hours playing Rocket, ever been flamed.
What does this has to do with towels?
Sick of this shit r/stardustcrusaders
This will be a tough match
Pinging in this game fuckin sucks
Aura farming