She just got home and I'm in love 😍
get a good rest, my sweet sleeping Shiba Inu :’)
My Juniper.
Sweet kitten love!
He is ridiculous.
Differences in perceived speeds
Fairmont Le Château Frontenac
Bird watching taken to the next level
New fear unlocked
He likes to send eye kisses
Driving from British Columbia to Whitehorse Yukon on the Canada - Alaska Highway is considered one of the most scenic drives during May/June.
We interrupt this coloring session to bring you aww 🥰
A polite penguin patiently waits for humans to move out of the way
Pretty girl ❤️
The shadow of Mount Rainier causes a gap in the sunset
This photo was taken in Glacier National Park in the province of British Columbia and shows a train rumbling through snow banks as high as the train itself! Photograph by Parks Canada
My new baby. Friend found her dumped on a rural property
Firefighter hose control training
Bread slicer at supermarket in France
he just can't decide if sleeping or playing... anyways, sleeping won 🎉
Traffic in Jakarta, Indonesia. Public transport is not impacted thanks to strictly segregated priority lanes dedicated to buses, taxis and coaches
Fine-tuning on Documentations
Practical knot for an emergency situation