PSA: Woman in St. Clair animal death case now lives in Rolla, allegedly already has animals again
Cat cafe?
I haven’t been able to open my mouth for almost a week... what now?
Why do Modern Vets Treat Animals Away from Owner
How to advertise local buy/sell website?
Any Dog Friendly Places/Things to Do
32F from the US (Midwest)
I almost died last time I had surgery (C-section), and my husband has PTSD and is really worried about my upcoming excision surgery. Please share your positive experiences to help ease his mind!
What is a fact that you think sounds completely false and that makes you angry that it's true?
What’s the dumbest thing your significant other has said or done?
Fun Fact: This is the closest a Millionaire Makers drawing thread will get to Christmas Eve! Comment to enter, and let’s make someone’s Christmas while we still can! [Drawing Thread #37]
Gift ideas
When did your feeling about "Something is very wrong here." turned out to be true?
Mom turned milk machine
[Missouri, USA] Looking for Canadian, Australian, or European snacks to share with my husband and co-workers.
Hey Reddit, what are you sick of explaining to people?
35 year old, looking to make career change, but ya'll are scaring me
just officially diagnosed...
Are there programs that just teach to spay/neuter?
Laparoscopy vs Lupron Depot
New likely IC diagnosis
Intro to Exotic Vet Medicine Texts/Books
Great Restaurants in Columbia?
Hello Reddit! Would love to have someone draw this great moment between my Red Bellied Parrot and Lovebird.
Seeking brutally honest advice about applying to vet school