The perfect Pylot doesnt exi...
Missle Run
Asetek AIO pump noise
V-44 X Blackfish POV
F-35 b doing a donut
40 000 view/object distance, 3000 shadow, kept some good FPS in battle, This one if for you deatrice. Power is in Arma
Harrier 360
Harrier passes right above bridge
harrier 360
Some Starsim scenes I've worked on recently
Mine are not as cinematic, but got some great FPS
Heavy metal object with 9 angled holes in the top - what is it and what metal is it?
Jet Chase Down
Dogfight under a bridge
C130 Bridge Gap
Ac-130 Flies under a bridge
Stunt Jump Completed
Black Wasp II Maneuverability
Arma 3 Dogfight made to look like cellphone video
Disclaimer: this is arma 3
literal harassment…
Dont send this to the news
Smooth Operator
f-22 Maneuverability
Solo Compound Clear
Shoulda stayed in the volcano