ESFP, any experience dating an INFJ?
ESFP INFJ relationship
To those in stable, loving relationships, is your hand on top or in the back when you hold hands?
(26M) (27F): Scared about Feeling Back and Forth about Marriage - Red Flags?
Ex wants to get back together slowly, but I'm scared.
Statistically, what are the chances that those who break up get back together? Does it depend on the context?
Do you consider your wife or husband your best friend?
married couples that went through separation; how long were you separated and did you get back together?
Could you forgive your ex if they slept with random people soon after the breakup?
Women who have broken up and gotten back together with their partner, how’s it going?
Does getting back together ever actually work?
Did you ever break up with your SO before marriage?
My (26M) GF (26F) is amazing, but I can’t stop thinking about other girls?
Any success stories of people getting back together?
Do you regret one night stands / rebounds after reconciling with your ex?
Do couples separate and eventually come back together after 6-8 months? Does the separation actually help in the long run?
Can sexual attraction grow?
How many times did you break up with your partner before being HAPPILY, and CURRENTLY married?
Men who wanted to settle down with a woman and then she broke up with you. Do you fight for her?
Has anyone ever successfully gotten there ex back here?
Has anyone gotten back together with an ex after a long period of time (several months or years)
Did you and your husband ever break up when dating? Did you think y’all would ever get back together?
Did you and your SO ever break up while dating?