chris blog 13: man im bored
chris blog 1: hi guys, this is gonna be a daily blog on my profile, so like hi, the 2 people who are gonna keep up with it
Official union with ubers
Attack on the Middle East
Alr so who in y'alls opinion is the most underrated character in skibidi toilet (my pick is obvious)
I made the other two titans.
Carrier takedown REMADE part 4
gettin samples with mechs :3
This might be a stretch, but hear me out on this...
Carrier takedown REMADE part 3
Carrier takedown REMADE part 2
Carrier takedown REMADE Part 1
The ubers have entered the chat. (There is no official alliance with ubers yet, do not use them in comics.)
What i think the layout of a carrier looks like, what do you guys think abt it?
Which large version is better
Tv woman taking steroids will appear in episode 78
Carrier takedown - Part 3. Success.
Carrier takedown - Part 2. The infiltration
Carrier takedown - part 1. Planning.
Which faction is the best
caming back uahhh p2
caming back uahhh p1
Day: 4 so chris FINALLY got in, you know the deal at this point pick a user if your comment is the most upvoted they get a slot
Attack by the alliance leader