I like this live action fight
When did you realize this
Well damn
What if Substitute Shinigami Orihime(TeiWicked)
Which one from each row
Red pill or blue pill
I'm watching Daima just because it's Dragon Ball
Which one you prefer
What’s happening here (wrong answers)
If you see these 3 doing this: RUN
Welp 6 weeks with goku gonna turn into 6 years
Remove one from each row
Naruto or ichigo
Trans Over the machine
Mods You're not banning this guy?
Why she sad? Wrong answers only
Which one train with goku for 6 weeks in dragonball universe or spend 6 weeks with naruto ladies
Train with goku or spend time with naruto ladies
Internet Freak City.
I'm a little bit concerned for Hazbin's safety now