Anyone need these?
(RAW Spoilers): Words from the main event winner.
Tomorrow i'll finish my album. I'm giving away these, just prove that you need the card (4 sends left)
Trades for these cards i need
5 ⭐️ trades ?
Trade please
1:1 trade
Lf stars for vault
Lf stars to ooen my vault
Who do you have set as your fav character? Mine is Tur LR Zamasu
Who brings more to the table at 55%? I have a full team for both of them. I would like broly for his leader skill alone.
Thought i was fine with the best slot 1 unit in the game. Anyway i don't know who to use as leader for this mission lol. I'm using Godku for now
Here I am after waiting 15+ minutes in queue for 2v8 just to get obliterated. /s
Severely overlooked. Ain't calling him underrated but..he's getting equips too! One of my favs overall.
Lf stars to opening my vault
100% LR TEQ GOATenks (220% Lead, LR AGL Gogeta's double 54% buff)
8* each to open my vault plz
They don't believe in you Cryhan. But i do. DON'T COMPARE HIM TO VEGETA.
10 stars
Quick even trade
15 stars for 5 star and 9 stars for 4 star
1:1 trades