Interested in my list of companies to avoid in your job search?
When do you find the time for hobbies and exercise?
Ex-lawyers, when did you know to leave?
Have You Been Bullied at Work? Let’s Talk and Help Each Other
Adopting a cat
Do you have a bullshit job? If so, what is it?
Are staff members in your office chronically sick?
Anyone have a colleague that is a huge suck up?
How to deal with a lazy manager
Weekly/fortnightly/monthly pay - what do you get? I assumed monthly was the standard
Aggressive stirring of cuppas
If I hear "Deep Dive" one more godamn time...
How do you weaponise your disorder?
🥳🥳🥳 For those of us who survived the first day back at work (survived can be be taken in any way, shape or form).
Any high achievers here who have burned out?
What do you wish that you could say (or have said) to your manager?
Tired of the child free penalty
Incidents that cause you to stop caring at work
What is something work related or otherwise that a manager said to you that made you lose all respect for their intelligence?
Where were YOU during the Battle of Hogwarts?
To quit my job and enjoy life?
Out of comfort zone
Corporate ladies what workbag do you use?
Has anyone remained at a company after a workplace traumatic event
Corporate 'Crimes' that should have the 'death' penalty?