Fresh Shallow styros + a question
Anyone here cut on ankles? I've only ever seen arms, thighs or stomach.
Just found out that ankles are a bad place to cut. But why?
I just need to cuddle a girl
Wanted to try this :)
Is it bad
If you boiled blood, would it be safe to consume?
How do yall shower with cuts on legs/thighs????
Cutting on ankles hurts so fucking bad
not sure if this belongs here, but is this a sign of something bad?
SHing at school? Is it bad?
he said he's gonna go shower so i said "without me 🥺🥺" and he blocked me
Proof of why the bar for education should not be as low as it is
I'm in pain
Why do you do SH? I need to know the reason most people do
Do you wish you were born as a girl instead?
i think my mom found out
Sudden pain on left side of head lasting 5 seconds??
they were something…
Purple around wound
What's your plan guys?
Post your most cursed image here.
Having eggs as a safe food now that they’re $7